Mortimer Jones Ponders the Void

Mr. Obsolete: I was supposed to get off at the last stop.
Mortimer Jones: Well, get off at the next one.
Mr. Obsolete: I could do that, but then I'd have to walk back.
Mortimer: So what's the problem? Just walk back.
Mr. Obsolete: Yes, but I hate to retrace my steps.
Mortimer: If you're walking back to where you meant to go then that will be the first time you walk that direction.
Mr. Obsolete: Yes, but I missed my stop yesterday too. And that was the direction I walked.
Mortimer: So walk a different direction to where you meant to go, then the direction you walked yesterday.
Mr. O: I think it's better to walk a direct route then change direction to avoid the same direction to the place I meant to go.
Mortimer: So walk directly in a different direction than the direction you walked to the place you meant to go.
Mr. Obsolete: I can't indirectly choose a direction, directionless as it may seem, in a different direction to the place I meant to go. I'd have to change direction, meaning, direct myself beyond my own directioning.
Mortimer: I see, so why not change your plans altogether then? Go somewhere else.
Mr. Obsolete: I could change my plans, but I don't know what would happen.
Mortimer: You won't know what would happen regardless of your plans.
Mr. Obsolete: I suppose I should just stay on the bus then.
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