Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Secret Meeting Topics

This just in from the formica table of Mortimer Jones:

Topics to be discussed at the top secret summit meeting:

1. When to stage the overthrow of the gallery system as we know it.
2. Methods of undermining current artistic sterotypes.
3. How to properly harpoon a cuttlefish
4. Ways of disregarding delicate social traditions
5. What madness does Mathias St. John have in store?
6. Who the fuck is Mortimer Jones?
7. Who will shampoo the crowds at our next event?
8. The Mystery of Lily Mayfield.
9. Amelia's recent expedition to the Amazon.
10. MDF vs. Charlie D.
11. Proper protocol for social revolution.
12. The recent night tremors of Mortimer Jones
13. Fried Egg vs. Scrambled Egg
14. The Void and what to do with it.

Signed Mortimer Jones
Weak Muscled Acrobat of the Void
The Parts and Labor Collective


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