Recent Hate Mail

Here are some of the highlights:
"Mortimer Jones is a bit naive......I have my pride, perhaps you don't.....ooooo Mr. Raw Loft! Aren't you special, big fucking an established artist I have no respect for you or your stupid movement.......Mortimer is fictitious.....delusions of grandeur....ego driven....stereotype of the young male artist.....poor pathetic little bitch....anything is better than a dumbass name like Parts and Labor.....I think if you fix your name, you'll have less people calling you a Communist......go to hell.......Maybe I'll just incorporate under your name, since I'm sure you haven't made it legal.....are you suggesting free art?.......are you suggesting a barter system?......I suggest you get a real space rather than that for the pinko that runs The Parts and Labor Collective, take all that shit on your wall, douse it in kerosene, and set it aflame......The less art the better."
Ahh yes, all the brilliant minds of Chicago converge in my inbox.
Signed Mortimer Jones
The Dvine Order of the Grease Monkey
Parts and Labor Collective
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